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Welcome to the Neural Interfacing Lab in the Department for Neurosurgery at Maastricht University. We are a multidisciplinary team investigating Brain-Computer Interfaces and closed-loop neural interfaces though the application of advanced Machine Learning.

Recent News

  • Maxime appeared on the 'Neurocareers - Doing the Impossible!' podcast, talking about decoding speech with sEEG and more general career advice.
  • Maarten has been awarded the Kootstra Talent Fellowship and will continue as postdoc at the Neural Interfacing Lab.
  • Check out our latest publication in Frontier in Neuroscience on decoding motor related neural activity from distributed brain-wide recording.
  • Christian will receive the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science Early Carreer Award. Check out the press release here.
  • Read our new preprint on Global Motor dynamics.
  • Meet us at the BCI Meeting. Almost the entire lab will be there!
  • Check out our new preprint on decoding arbitrary and informed decision making from sEEG here.
  • Similarly, we happy to welcome Berkhan Genc as a visiting researcher in our group!
  • We're very happy to welcome Maria de Araújo Vitória to work with us in a joint project with Elia Formisano on "Acoustic to Semantic Transformations in Human Auditory Cortex" in sEEG and fMRI.
  • In a new article in NBDT, we show how speech can be synthesized from sEEG using an encoder-decoder framework. Check it out here

Latest publications

Decoding executed and imagined grasping movements from distributed non-motor brain areas using a Riemannian decoder

Here, we demonstrate that movement-related neural activity can be recorded and decoded from cortical and subcortcial areas throughout the brain.

Maarten C Ottenhoff, Maxime Verwoert, Sophocles Goulis, Albert Colon, Louis Wagner, Simon Tousseyn, Johannes P van Dijk, Pieter Kubben, Christian Herff

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2023

Global motor dynamics - Invariant neural representations of motor behavior in distributed brain-wide recordings

We identified global motor dynamics, that are preditive across tasks and across participants. Even with non-overlapping electrode configurations

Maarten C Ottenhoff, Maxime Verwoert, Sophocles Goulis, Louis Wagner, Johannes P van Dijk, Pieter Kubben, Christian Herff

bioRxiv, 2023

Decoding Arbitrary and Informed Decisions from Intracranial Recordings in Humans

In this study, we show that decisions are processes differently whether we know what we are deciding about, or whether we are just guessing. Both processes elicit strong enough neural responses that we can decode them from sEEG.

Laura Marras, Maxime Verwoert, Maarten C. Ottenhoff, Sophocles Goulis, Johannes P. van Dijk, Simon Tousseyn, Louis Wagner, Albert J. Colon, Pieter L. Kubben, Marcus L.F. Janssen, Steffen A. Herff, Christian Herff

biorXiv, 2023

Synthesizing Speech from Intracranial Depth Electrodes using an Encoder-Decoder Framework

We show that high-quality speech can be synthesized from sEEG recordings using an encoder-decoder framework inspired by Tacotron-2.

Jonas Kohler, Maarten C. Ottenhoff, Sophocles Goulis, Miguel Angrick, Albert J. Colon, Louis Wagner, Simon Tousseyn, Pieter L. Kubben, Christian Herff

Neurons, Behavior, Data analysis, and Theory, 2023

Dataset of Speech Production in intracranial Electroencephalography

We present an open-access dataset of 10 participants reading words out loud while recorded with intracranial EEG. This data can help in understanding the speech production process better and can be used to test speech BCI algorithms.

Maxime Verwoert, Maarten C. Ottenhoff, Sophocles Goulis, Albert J. Colon, Louis Wagner, Simon Tousseyn, Johannes P. van Dijk, Pieter L. Kubben, Christian Herff

Scientific Data, 2022

Neural Interfacing Lab
Department for Neurosurgery
Maastricht University
Universiteisingel 50, 6229 ER Maastricht, The Netherlands